Family and Life Science Opinion

What I Think of Home Economics

Home economics has been touted for many years. I like to point out the previous discussions mentioned in my first articles. I discussed the history and events leading up to the modern day Family and Consumer Science Disciplines. To make the topic more attractive than taking care of a baby, our focus is to dive into the things that make living easy, and continue to build upon your skills. This includes understanding the theory and concepts before getting into the details necessary into a successful home.

Your home, the decisions you make, and building up the home have a multitude of choices. So many different campaigns of marketing that offer products and services to make your life easier. Does it really make it easy? Are you really practicing a thrifty/frugal home economic, life-sustaining choices? Are you really a student of the family and consumer science?

This brings me back to my original thoughts on how I was introduced to these concepts and improve on them myself. Everyone has some anecdote to make things ‘easy’, but not everything we do is as easy as it seems. Thinking of these concepts in a economic, or even a frugal sense ensure understanding. Without these practices and the concepts on the internet, we would not develop as quickly as we would.

I think its important to distinguish what I think this subject has today. Home economics relates to self-sufficiency and independence.

This is NOT supposed to be easy. What is easy is doing something hard at first, and then it becomes easier. It’s almost like learning a brand-new skill. You want to do it right the first time, but you end up doing a poor job. Over time, you will refine yourself in a way to make it much better. This is exactly why home economics study is a work discipline.

This can include having a varied diet that improves your overall physical condition. Learning your palette  and knowing texture and taste are ways to discover new things. Discerning the taste of foods increases the importance of the chef and location you go to satiate your palate.

Down to the type of things you truly build and work within your given time. Are you able to whip up a batch of cookies within 20 minutes? If your kids download too many games, are you able to clean out their devices? Are you able to fix running water in your toilet? The different skills of life vary and must be done quickly.

Much of the internet is touting wisdom and concepts that relate to all aspects of life, I’m here discussing this journey of life, and making sure that others like myself are focused on the right things.

Imagine that the internet has the highest paid categories of blogs: parenting, cooking, and budgeting. These three categories will continue to outlast many of us while the rest of the world attempts to discover the most important aspects of living. If you make use of these subjects, that family and consumer science (home-economics) is the most NEEDED subject that everyone needs.

It is not just a poor college student, or if you are a guy and do not want anything to do with the home. If you are caring for yourself and your space, the rest of your life will follow suit. Make sure that you keep your home in order so the rest of what you do becomes easier. As long as you make your bed, and organize your pantry and food, the rest of what you do becomes easier because you were able to care for yourself.

Considering your budget, you want to live below your means. What does it mean to live below your means?

Living below your means is a way to consume less than what you make. Coming out of college as a poor broke student did not make this concept any easier. It took long hours and a lot of work to make it possible. This includes finding a job that pays well enough for you, and having enough cash to survive longer. First and foremost, everyone needs something definable for work. Without your focus on work, the ability to save money is not a way to balance your accounts.

Here is what I mean with balancing your budget. You have the ability to earn your money (credit), or income, or having a job, or owning a business. These are ways that you bring money into your home, and for most people, this is a specific number. Your income credit is your magic number.

You have your debits, your debts, your expenses (debit). These are things you spend from your income on a regular basis. This is the part of balancing your accounts becomes important to you and your family. You can manage your outgoing and be more specific on what you spend during these periods. Know what you spend and then start making cuts on things that are not essential to your regular living. If you have an excess of this money, congratulations! You are now living below your means and continue to save money for your bigger expenses.

Living impoverished is not fun. And, knowing your choices with your money and trading your time for skills is a great way to build yourself and jump into the next area of comfort.

Remember how I said that it is important to earn for your time? Trade your time for work first, because this is a way to have a wage while you are working through your other ventures. Make sure this is very actionable and within a specific time to complete. Otherwise, this journey will make it more difficult to continue.

How is the study of home economics important to me?

It’s absolutely important to understand basic living principles that give the self-sufficiency that you definitely need.

Family and consumer science (home economics) is a way to become more independent through your own confines and make living reasonable. If you keep comparing yourself to others and their trajectory, you will not find a means of stability with your own life. Make sure you dictate life on your own terms and not how the world changes you into something you do not want to become.

No, I do not want to become another “cooking blog.” My intent is to discuss the important elements to you and how you best prepare yourself in all aspects of this subject.

Healthy eating, planning your meals, and reusing the same items in your pantry will make your diet more defined and work well for you throughout the year. If you plan your meals out way in advance, you will realize that you can save more money per serving size in cooking your own food that paying others to cook your own food. Remember what I said about budgeting? You are paying for someone else’ time to make your own comforts realized.

I am a guy, and I think more men need better involvement with their families. Spouses, significant others, dating couples can all benefit from this subject. How else can you find what you need in your daily living to make these joys just as important.

The bottom line of home economics

It comes down to personal and financial independence. Life is hard, but good choices make it easier for a sustainable, frugal lifestyle over the long-run. It helps to identify these areas that make yourself different, and get beyond a poverty mindset and save in ways that you would not expect.

When you consider the value of your time, that you will barter your own value, and make intentional purchases to augment your value, borrow for the time, or sell off your own possessions. When you think about trading your time and resources, you begin to figure out your personal economic value and make smarter decisions for your time and resources.   

When you consider your personal time and value, you should assess yourself and make a determination on where you are to manage your own time and value. With that said, what you done to create a return on your own value? What have you traded that made your profit in your time? We would like to hear what you are doing by leaving a comment below, or commenting on our social media sites.

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By Joshua Stephens

Husband and father of several young boys. I had an interest in efficiency in the home and was inspired by a diligent wife that knew how to work through tight budgets. Josh is inspired by things that work well for the family while working through his hectic schedule. His influence to start this blog was when he understood the freedoms of self-employment and wanted others to benefit from his knowledge.