Family and Life Science Opinion

What I Think of Home Economics

Home economics has been touted for many years. I like to point out the previous discussions mentioned in my first articles. I discussed the history and events leading up to the modern day Family and Consumer Science Disciplines. To make the topic more attractive than taking care of a baby, our focus is to dive […]

Family and Life Science Opinion

Thanksgiving, Celebration, and the Whole World

In October, we recognize that Thanksgiving is well celebrated internationally. Canadians celebrate in October, Germans celebrate in October, and Australians celebrate the last Wednesday in November. It is a holiday that is recognized throughout the world. This traditional American holiday has long-roots in the harvest. Just imagine that you move across the entire world to […]


Veterans Day is a Day of Remembrance

This significant holiday has roots back to the Great War, where the original holiday, Armistice Day was created. It is significant to celebrate those who have answered our nations call in times of need. This request and duty is taken with the intent of knowing that the outcome can result in paying the ultimate sacrifice. […]

Opinion Parenting & Family

I Took Vacation With Family and Loved It

It has been a while since putting up a post on the website. It is not without reason that I would look for a way to reset and refocus my work. So, I took a much-deserved break to take the family on a long trip. It was long overdue, in fact, because I was on […]


How I Got Interested in Home-Economics

I like stories about the migration of thought and motivations change for people over time, it makes for a fun story. My story was not as much about, ‘oh, I want to start a blog because, blah-blah-blah.” Honestly, this has taken me for quite a loop in where I was and how I got to […]