Family and Life Science

New Year New You: Lifestyle Changes for Better, Healthier Habits

Changes into the New Year where you Can Make Feasible Changes for Yourself and into the Year. You’ll want to make some changes to your mind, your health, becoming more fiscally responsible, and for the long-term. Let us break down a couple things for you and let you know how feasible these different options, and how they can affect you for the long run.

Whenever you make small changes, it is important to deliver on at least 21 days of consistent activity, this is how you form a habit. Or, make a schedule for yourself and make it possible to break down your goals and make it possible for you to achieve your goals for the year.

I will be adding into this article to show you how making small changes can affect your long-term state of mind, a sense of personal discipline and how making small little changes. Speaking of goals:

Know the SMART goals and build your own schedule

SMART is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-Oriented. Within due time, and small changes will make progress to finishing the larger goal. This approach of adding small piece at a time contribute to a larger work.


You need to identify exactly what you want to get out of your goal. It means that you must quantify the value of what it is you want to get out of your goal and break it down into manageable chunks.


Now that you have identified your chunks, each segment of your goal path will require you to hit specific milestones, and find personal value for yourself. It will be even better if you find something small at a time that will work for you in short windows so you know that each step feels real to you.


This means you can eventually make that measurable goal. Remember that each step on a ladder, or stairs is short and comfortable. By making it smaller, it will be more comfortable for you to progress.


There is nothing quite like making each step towards your goal a true reality. A first time writer does not easily finish a book in a month. The novice entrepreneur is not going to make a million in his first year (the reality of this is truly low). The couch potato is not going to run 26.2 miles within three months. Know what steps you need to take, and then adjust your horizon.


You must give yourself a deadline. For the procrastinator, you will force yourself to adapt quickly and make the best possible situation. You need to know where you will go and make it possible for your to work with the current constraints.

How I Envision Change

Like myself, I want to envision myself taking on a large project that will take me a long time to complete. Making a schedule and following through is really helpful to work through your upcoming challenge, because you have a vested interest in making them absolutely feasible. It might include some research so you know what is a suitable time-frame to complete and hit your milestones as you progress through your journey. Who knows, you might be able to a time-lapse of yourself on TikTok, Instagram, Pinterest, or whichever social media platform you use to make progress.

When you build your own schedule, you keep the goals in mind, and you break-down the overall project for better success. Write it down, because you reinforce personal learning and commitment. And, make sure you either journal or write how you feel through your progress. Who knows, you might be able to find some therapy in this mix and make the commitment to your overall journey.

We would like to go through the different aspects of what it means to commit to a goal and follow through on it. For example, several years ago I realized that I was not exercising my most important muscle: my mind. I decided that I wanted to commit to reading 12 books a year. It did not matter the size or the content, I had to start reading more. With that in mind (pun intended), I had started with just one book, broke it down through pages/chapters, and eventually made it through my goal.

The hardest thing to admit: in 2021, I did not reach my continued goal, a broken streak of almost 5 years. On the other hand, 2021 still had a total of 8 books read which is still much higher than the average person. I still know what it takes to build those baby steps and get back on track. Since I have done these steps before, I know the first steps up will be easier since they are a familiar friend.

As we dive into our future subjects, we want you to keep in mind that this segment is really a “headliner” or a sticky post that we want you to save. Keep coming back here as we will continue to add onto the articles for the “New Year: New You”. We want to dive into this subject headfirst and make sure we outline the biggest changes anyone can make…. Stay tuned.

Making Small Changes With Your Cup of Coffee

I’m a huge coffee buff. And I cannot explain how making small changes to how you consume your favorite hot beverage is important to know how big of a change you can make to the entire year of consuming America’s favorite beverage. So yes, you can apply similar concepts to your tea, or other daily beverage.

This illustration is one of my absolute favorite. Mainly because it is Americas favorite beverage, and we have several chains that provide this hot cup of deliciousness on a regular basis. It is so big, that in 2021 the coffee market is valued at $102.02 billion(according to Mordor Intelligence in this report). With that in mind, you will have a better alternative to brewing your own cup and drinking different varieties. I like using this illustration of coffee usage because it is something small, can seem something so minimal, yet changes over a long period of time have a drastic change. The other reason why I like using it is because it is far more prolific and socially acceptable as opposed to alcohol or tobacco usage.

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5 Powerful Ways to Becoming Healthier Right Now

You will see the distant future, but every step made is one step closer.

I have been active for many years. I was a varsity athlete while competing in high schools, and continuing my time to doing a variety of 5ks, half-marathons, and Triathlons. There is no doubt that exercising is a really important aspect to my overall physical and mental health. Over-time I’ve realized there are several things that are important to me, and how I progress towards my goals. This includes multiple disciplines of distance racing and keeping enough strength to lift another human being.

The new year is a great time to focus on the new habit or hobby and incorporate it into your daily life. These top three help improve cognition, quality of life, and also mental outlets for those who are in a normal work grind. If you know where you are focused with your goals, you find ways to get between these points with the best possible outcome.

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5 Influential Ways to Realize Your Goals

Why should we expected to change? Because it is within human nature to learn and adapt to our environment. It is within these life stressors we continue to find ways to become better people.

Here’s the difficulty of change. Good change is not newsworthy. It is not a thing that is so hotly contested. There are things to dwell on because it is healthy for our mental and physical improvement

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By Joshua Stephens

Husband and father of several young boys. I had an interest in efficiency in the home and was inspired by a diligent wife that knew how to work through tight budgets. Josh is inspired by things that work well for the family while working through his hectic schedule. His influence to start this blog was when he understood the freedoms of self-employment and wanted others to benefit from his knowledge.