Parenting & Family

Parents in the Home, How Can You Improve

Home and Family Dynamics Present their Own Challenges

Home dynamics challenge each family member differently, know how you would like to focus the attention and make memories. Memories happen with good, great, and consistent opportunity. The reason why certain times of the year will have more influence on a child’s growth if the family spends their summer camping where hiking, fishing, campfires and stories connect them with the outdoors. Similarly, visiting landmarks, historical events connect their current world with history. Making good memories of home require persistence of parents with their children through your ability to connect and love your children. Your spouse also requires the same effort, and if you have children, they need to see this connection to know that their home is safe and fun.

Family dynamics is about showing what looks right in relationships and modeling that behavior. All too often you will find people will do unbearable things over time. Anything like this requires consistent and persistent communication with your words to ensure the change. One of the most important aspects of relationships is understanding that people will grow through their behaviors and will make sure they work well with others.

Creating responsibility for yourself and children emulsifies the dynamic as a family and your focus. It also makes the current living space manageable regardless if you have the cookie cutter home, a small accommodation, or a grand home. These establishments give responsibility which focuses you through your home, career, and retirement objectives. If the inside of your home is not in shape, then the outside of your home will show in your personality. Destruction of these homes shows through to your closest relatives, which is why unfaithfulness or even a lack of self-care destroy.

Children emulate their parents and their needs and desires. Your child is watching everything you do as you go to work and pursue your own hobbies. If your child is watching you, are there specific bad habits you do not want them to find you doing? As you know yourself, you curb your poor habitations in order to foster the new growth in your kids. Some questions to ask yourself if it is a poor choice, is this constructive? If your habit is not enabling a form of creativity, building, or a form of cleaning or clearing, your mind will stay clustered with all the things that you ‘must’ do. Are you taking the time to teach?

Parenting Responsibilities

The role of a parent is about modeling good and responsible behavior to turn them into model adults. This usually begins with having dedicated time at dinner. I even spoke about setting aside dinner in the article here. Are you reading or writing instead of watching a new television show? As you sit down and binge watch television with your children, you show them it is acceptable to spend multiple hours on entertainment. Instead, make your time small and  relaxing. If you want to show a better form of relaxing either read stories or read to yourself to show better behavior. By reading, building something, or do an activity with your children will support a more industrious work ethic that your children will benefit in the future.

In better parenting behaviors, you must first understand what is positive behavior and reinforce them, positively. With information previously mentioned, let’s consider the following actions:

Maintain a schedule for your own.

This enable personal discipline and keep things moving for all family members. Remember if you are married, make sure your partner and you know the schedule and form it together.

Enforce a sense of personal discipline.

For your young children, this means changing into actual clothes, and getting out of pajamas. Make sure your bed and theirs are clean. Put your dishes away in the dishwasher, or clean as you cook. Put your phone away and spend actual one-on-one time. Schedule a workday with your kids so they know everyone is doing something constructive.

Spend time reading.

Spend time reading to your kids on a regular basis when they are little, and have them watch your read throughout the day. Children that read more daily, will have increased creativity, larger vocabularies, increased attention span, and increased empathy towards other people.  As an adult, it is a key element to increasing your own abilities in these areas. If you were a late starter, it is still an option to get from your local library to increase your skills. You can read more about the effects of reading here.

Work ahead.

This seems a bit more ambiguous, but you need to show that you are a leader and your children will look up to your positive influences. It means that you will stay ahead of your children, guide them through difficult situations, and as they become adult-age children, you will become a career mentor. It also reduces the mentality gap of becoming too involved with your kids that you lose out on your personal identity. If you are overly influenced by your children’s social circle, you are sacrificing a bit too much of your personal life.

As showing and managing your surroundings, parents must schedule moments to take their children to places that will challenge them mentally, stimulate their energy, and positively reinforce creativity. Remember that any toy or combination for them will piece together differently for a parent must be willing to display encouragement. As you watch them play, you will see they see the world much differently than you, and have not been given their box. If you watch the YouTube video: RSA Animate: Changing Education Paradigms, you will see how a formalized education system depletes the creative energy. This is the point where the home environment allows and encourages creative growth to enable paradigm shifts to our modern thinking.

In your home, you will find different challenges and opportunities to connect. What information did you read here that worked well for you? What have you done to make your home a welcoming environment as a model parent? We would love to hear how you’ve been able to work through these challenges, and place a comment below or send an e-mail for more suggestions if you have not read them here.

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By Joshua Stephens

Husband and father of several young boys. I had an interest in efficiency in the home and was inspired by a diligent wife that knew how to work through tight budgets. Josh is inspired by things that work well for the family while working through his hectic schedule. His influence to start this blog was when he understood the freedoms of self-employment and wanted others to benefit from his knowledge.