Family and Life Science

5 Influential Ways to Realize Your Goals

There are many things that you would prefer to do that are easy. It’s understood that you will want to find the easiest way out because it is comfortable, and a safe haven. Being able to find those news challenges and tackle them will give you confidence that you can return and do that one thing again.

Why should we expected to change? Because it is within human nature to learn and adapt to our environment. It is within these life stressors we continue to find ways to become better people.

Here’s the difficulty of change. Good change is not newsworthy. It is not a thing that is so hotly contested. There are things to dwell on because it is healthy for our mental and physical improvement

We came up with a brand new lifestyle change for the upcoming year because we envision ourselves differently. It is no surprise that about 80% of people fail their New Years Resolutions (JAC Answers)! If you don’t know about making change, check out our article “New Year: New You”.

Start Goals With Your Mind

What you need is a way to change your mind and thinking. This helps your thought and focus of the process. Making anything stikc and last is about your thought process giving you tangible results.

One of my favorite concepts of how powerful your mind is, is that with the right focus, you can see what types of resolution you can get when you properly hone it. Napoleon Hill has one of my favorite books Think and Grow Rich, and it is so powerful that this short read really should be a constant reminder every year on how powerful you mindset is to completion.

Perform the Action Deliberately       

Do your task and do it consistently. Without developing the habit, you will doom yourself to fail anyway. It is okay to take breaks, but do not forget to set a date and time to restart the progress. Remember that having an action to take upon a task includes the steps to make your progress available to you.

Deliberately is the focus it takes to perform the action without hesitation. You know you must do it, so you set aside the time to perform it. You are intentional in making the action happen. You do not delay in making it happen, so it is important to know you have pre-thought and working through the action.

It’s not a hurdle, or a means to keep you away from the ‘fun’ things. Remember your purpose in these steps because you want to get something out of the desired end goal. If you really struggle with taking the steps…

Find Motivation

You will find roadblocks, impediments, and excuses to keep you away. It is normal for these changes because it feels unnatural. Think about your desired result, what you want, and a way to complete it even if it feels like a chore. Motivation is a change of your mind to enjoy the process. You might see that influencer, the look, and transformation changes as an inspiration.

Motivation is about retraining your thought process and visualizing how others have succeeded before you. There is no better time than now to take the action upon seeing success, the visualization, or something to pump you up wen you do not feel like it.

Becoming motivated might mean different things for you, but it is supposed to break away from the negative thoughts that prevent you from success. Utilize these means and methods to get you where you need to go.

A fond memory relates to the posters that were setup within the halls of my school. They were unique to see the images and captions along with them. They were intentional to find the depth of your willpower and the possibilities you can endure. Motivation is about knowing the steps and getting there will be what you intend for yourself.

Track Progress Towards Your Goal

In making goals and seeing them progress, you will find yourself confirming that yes, you can reasonably attain the goal. It also shows you where you might have struggled, and that you were able to overcome that situation. This might include giving some feedback by writing a one-sentence line, or bragging about how you felt to your workout group.

For example, I do keep a journal of thoughts, ideas, and also completed tasks. It gives me something to refer back to whenever I feel like I am not capable of following through. It is a nice reminder that I did have some points of struggle to get to where I am now. Having the story of your journey makes it much better to tell, keeps your mind focused, and reinforces the journey. This transformation period is where you can certainly tell others that you are successful, and that you’ve taken different actions.

If you start losing motivation, reinforce the reasoning with your mind. This hurdle is absolutely normal when your body or mind wants to quit on you. Making it past this hurdle is where you start seeing real results because it feels like the first phase of your transformation.

Talk About Your Goals

The process of thinking about something, and then saying it, or writing it down is a confirmation of any process or procedure in your mind. It’s almost second nature to develop that connection within your mind that makes that lasting impression. It also increases overall accountability for your recipient and seeing their feedback is much more valuable

In talking about it, is also increases your accountability and support from your friends and family. Assuming this is a transformation you family likes and approves they will ask you about your progress to see how you have come along. As you have this base, it also forces you to continue because it will show your focus.

In Conclusion

There are many things that you would prefer to do that are easy. It’s understood that you will want to find the easiest way out because it is comfortable, and a safe haven. Being able to find those news challenges and tackle them will give you confidence that you can return and do that one thing again. With that in mind, finding the appropriate challenges is a way for you to make it past those hurdles, and develop a sense of personal resiliency.

What you done in the past that was successful for you? Did you take any of these steps, or did you do something different? We would like to know how you have gone through your journey, and what it was like before and after. Did you feel an improvement and satisfaction in your life? Leave a comment and share with a friend.

This is the end of the series “New Year New You: Lifestyle Changes for Better, Healthier Habits”. We hope you enjoyed this journey and keep your eye out for our updates. Our posts are regularly updated through our Facebook page, and we find a lot of inspiration for our work through our Pinterest. Please continue following us and sharing us on these platforms as we continue to grow.

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By Joshua Stephens

Husband and father of several young boys. I had an interest in efficiency in the home and was inspired by a diligent wife that knew how to work through tight budgets. Josh is inspired by things that work well for the family while working through his hectic schedule. His influence to start this blog was when he understood the freedoms of self-employment and wanted others to benefit from his knowledge.